Admission to Practice Law
October 13, 2007
I received official notice today that I have been admitted to the Bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I took the Pennsylvania bar examination this last July and passed it on my first sitting.
As I consider my new status as attorney, I am moved by the thought that I have been e ...
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Juris Doctor
May 21, 2007
I have finished law school, and received my Juris Doctor degree yesterday (May 20, 2007) at the Forum Building at the Pennsylvania State Capitol Complex.
I would especially like to thank Glenn, Amy, Bill, Teresa, Brian, and Denise for coming to the commencement excercises yesterday; I appre ...
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Outstanding Clinical Advocacy Award
April 26, 2007
Widener University School of Law's Commencement Awards Ceromony was held today. I have received this year's Outstanding Clinical Advocacy Award.
This award is given each year to a Certified Legal Intern chosen by the staff of the Widener University's Harrisburg Civil Law Clinic for the qual ...
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